Our e-Catalogs Provide Quick and Easy Online Ordering

The same catalogs you access in print are also just one click away. Use these interactive versions for an enhanced shopping experience.

Healthcare Labels

Healthcare Labels

Whether you operate in an acute, ambulatory, clinic, physicians office or other healthcare setting, UAL has your needs covered with labels for admissions, blood bank, nursing, pharmacy, the laboratory, equipment maintenance and more.

Veterinary Labels

Veterinary Labels

Running a veterinary practice is complicated. We provide numerous labels and supplies to simplify the process including board & care labels, medication dispensing, surgery, treatment room labels and more!

Business Labels

Business Labels

Regardless of the industry your business is in, UAL has manufacturing, warehouse and office labels ranging from shipping labels to filing labels, plus printer labels for nearly any application.

Year Labels

Year Labels

Staying organized is a never ending process but here’s an improvement tip. Use date labels to mark your filing system and other types of media. UAL carries the items you need including Barkley, GBS/VRE, Tab, Smead, Colwell, and the cost effective UAL brand.